Sister Emily DeFord

Called to serve as a full-time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Colorado Fort Collins mission.


Monday, June 23, 2014

Week 44: 6/16/14

June 16, 2014
Cheyenne, WY
New transfer, new companion, new house!
So some stories of the week.  Last Monday we went to meet S___ and her girls at the mall to go to the pet store where you can pet the puppies!  We went to Chick-fil-a (however you spell that) for lunch and had a great time!  We texted the Moores to confirm dinner plans, and they had forgotten them, but invited us to meet them at Chick-fil-a for dinner.  Haha as we were walking up I was just saying to Sister Linsenmann how awkward funny it would be if the same people were working as had been there earlier...well, they were!  Luckily no one called us out on it ;)
Later that night we were walking up to the L_____'s house and they saw us coming, ran up and slammed the door and closed the blinds!  Never had that happen before.  However, the L_____ are an active, friendly family and just did it to make us laugh ;)
Tuesday we finished packing and started moving!  Switched Sister Linsenmann for Sister Christensen (they really just traded wards) at the stake center and got going touring the ward for Sister Christensen.  That night we had dinner with the R_______ and L_______ and we had a picnic/Sneetch style roast (but everyone was invited, no matter the number of stars) and a great lesson about the plan of salvation.  With that, forget stars, moon, and sun for comparison, how about order of the menu, one time buffet, all you can eat buffet?  We just ate so that shouldn't have been quite so appealing, but seems like an apt comparison ;)
My mom would know that I thrive on talking something out and getting feedback and working it out.  I may be super excited about the fact that Sister Christensen does that too!  We are excited to go out and work and plan well so even though we will have exchanges going on at least once a week things will still keep pressing forward!
Awesome ward correlation meeting on Thursday which will hopefully bring great things in actual coordination with the ward.  We sometimes get off topic which led to my favorite quote of the day by out ward mission leader "Repentance is a great thing.  If we apply it in our lives we have joy.  If not--you're screwed."
At MLC on Friday the assistants to the president were doing a role play which was taking place in a car.  President Brown paused them to ask them to please not actually have this conversation while driving as it would be distracting.  If they were going to do it in the car, please leave it in park.  He told them to be safe and immediately both reached over their shoulders to fasten imaginary seatbelts!  That is companion unity and exact obedience if I have ever seen it!
It has been a good week, I love you all and I have a few pictures for you!
love, Sister Emily DeFord


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